
Hire the Right People...Develop your Leaders...Optimize your Teams...Improve your Sales Productivity...Coach your Staff. Utilize these online, comprehensive, easy-to-administer assessments and their detailed reports to improve all your personnel decisions. Vertical Quest Assessments are designed to support all your training, recruiting, hiring, management development, and sales processes.

The Profile XT is a multi-purpose assessment that is used for selection, coaching, training, promotion, managing, and succession planning. It is a powerful and dynamic management tool that employs 21st Century technology to put the right people in the right jobs. It is administered on the Internet and reports are immediately available.

Profiles Sales Indicator is a tool for selecting, managing, and training salespeople. It measures five key qualities of successful salespeople and predicts performance in seven critical sales behaviors. Using the Profiles Sales Indicator to build and develop a sales organization can result in record-breaking productivity, retention of top performers, and exceptional profitability.

Step One Survey® is a pre-employment screening tool for assessing the attitudes of job candidates regarding integrity, responsibility, drug use and work ethic. This is the solution for employers who hire too many people who are dishonest, use drugs, are late or ‘‘no-shows’’ and whose work effort is substandard.

Profiles Customer Service Survey identifies people who have the right behavioral traits to give outstanding customer service. ‘‘Customers go where they are wanted and stay where they are appreciated.’’ Use the survey to hire people who will enhance your company’s reputation and create customer satisfaction and goodwill.

Profiles Performance Indicator measures five key personality factors and their impact on seven critically important aspects of success in business. The report helps you understand how an individual is effectively understood, motivated, and managed. It is economical and is quick to take, making it the ideal choice for your business.

Profiles Team Analysis makes team building both challenging and rewarding. Effective teams achieve results far beyond what individuals could accomplish on their own. But team building is far more than putting a group of people together and hoping for the best. This system reports the attributes of each team member, shows the team’s strengths and alerts the team leader to potential problems.

Profiles Call Center Survey measures suitability for call center duty -- inbound or outbound. While almost everyone can use a telephone, not everyone can successfully work in a call center. Cut turnover and eliminate problems. Use it to help you find employees who ‘‘fit’’ your call center culture.

Profiles Career Coach is an assessment that can answer the question, "What is the right job for me?" Whether used by high school and college students or more experienced people looking for a new career path, Career Coach is the right tool. It measures a person’s thinking style, occupational interests, and behavioral traits, and matches their attributes with jobs and careers that utilize the individual’s potential to the fullest. The result is job satisfaction and career success.

Job Analysis Survey is used to objectively describe the thinking style, occupational interests, and behavioral traits that are requisites for superior performance in a particular job. Survey results are compiled to create a "Job Match Pattern" that serves as a template for measuring "Job Match" and predicting the suitability of job candidates.

CheckPoint 360º is a powerful professional development tool, that positively impacts an individual’s growth and career, and an organization’s success. For managers, supervisors, and others in leadership positions, it can facilitate peak performance that generates improved productivity. CheckPoint quantifies a participant’s competencies, verifies the results from a variety of perspectives, and identifies ways to enhance skills.

CheckPoint SkillBuilder Series consists of 18 self-paced, self-improvement programs designed to help managers improve their performance. The SkillBuilder Series is a companion to the CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System, offering managers the opportunity to develop the competencies that are most important to their professional growth and success. Available exclusively on the Internet.